


Bash substitution

Bash substitution

Bash sup­ports a sur­pris­ing num­ber of string manip­u­la­tion oper­a­tions. Unfor­tu­nately, these tools lack a uni­fied focus. Some are a sub­set of para­me­ter sub­sti­tu­tion, and oth­ers fall under the func­tion­al­ity of the UNIX expr com­mand. This results in incon­sis­tent com­mand syn­tax and over­lap of func­tion­al­ity, not to men­tion con­fu­sion. * This is a short expla­na­tion of...
Make pdf files

Make pdf files

Two ways to com­bine exist­ing pdf files stored in lists. pdf­pages A sim­ple solu­tion to com­bine mul­ti­ple pdf files is to use LaTeX respec­tively the pdf­pages pack­age. With this code you can lay­out pdf pages on a page accord­ing to some para­me­tres. You need a work­ing LaTeX instal­la­tion, e.g. texlive on debian or ubuntu. You...
Make control files

Make control files

To use GNU/Linux’s text pro­cess­ing abil­i­ties for graphic design, I needed to find a way to expand this world of plain text. My approach here­fore is the auto­mated gen­er­a­tion of plain text con­trol files, that serve as input for soft­ware, that extends the world of plain text. Lists are the most sim­ple exam­ple for a...
Bash Fundamentals

Bash Fundamentals

This is a very short and incom­plete intro­duc­tion to the Bourne-Again Shell. On the com­man­d­line most pro­grams fol­low the sim­ple prin­ci­ple of cre­at­ing and mod­i­fy­ing plain text. To make this approach extremly pro­duc­tive the Bash offers some mechanisms. The so-called pipe char­ac­ter (|) acts like a plug to send the out­put of one pro­gram to...






DOT language

DOT language

Through a post at open­source pub­lish­ing I stum­bled upon this again. 3 fast hacks:





It is pos­si­ble to exam­ine text data with­out con­ver­sion tools. If the data doesn’t look right, you can use a stan­dard text edi­tor to mod­ify it. Spe­cial­ized tools are not required. You don’t need a sep­a­rate edi­tor for each kind of data file. One size fits all.


Handy solu­tion to trans­fer com­plete lay­ers from one svg to another. Since inkscape svgs are flat text xml files you can use any ordi­nary word edi­tor to copy/paste data.

Decrease JPG Quality

Ever wanted to save 100 jpg files with decreas­ing quality?   INPUTFILE=test.jpg   COUNT=100 while [ $COUNT -gt 0 ] do OUTPUTFILE=$COUNT.jpg convert -quality ${COUNT}% $INPUTFILE $OUTPUTFILE COUNT=`expr $COUNT - 1` done   exit 0; Made with bash and imagemag­ick. These exam­ples are prob­a­bly super use­less. They per­form tasks that are nor­mally not part of...

Save a jpg file 10000 times

Ever won­dered what hap­pens to the image qual­ity if you save a jpg file 10000 times? Sim­ple exam­ple for the use of automa­tion. Code not tested!   INPUTFILE=test.jpg   COUNT=0 while [ $COUNT -lt 10000 ] do OUTPUTFILE=$COUNT.jpg convert $INPUTFILE $OUTPUTFILE INPUTFILE=$OUTPUTFILE COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1` done These exam­ples are prob­a­bly super use­less. They per­form...

HTML in a loop

Edit­ing HTML is nor­mally the first time when graphic design­ers learn how to deter­mine visual form or col­ors through plain text. What do you see if you read #FF0000? This is the first step towards a chang­ing per­cep­tion. There­fore HTML will serve as our first exam­ple how to make a sim­ple script do some work...