a sim­ple workaround to avoid addi­tional con­fig­u­ra­tion files is to place the con­fig­u­ra­tion some­where in your script.

# 15x13 ## VxH RATIO #OK
# 15x13 ## VxH RATIO #OK
# 16x14 ## VxH RATIO #OK
# 16x14 ## VxH RATIO #OK
# 17x15 ## Vx#H RATIO #
# 18x16 ## Vx#H RATIO #
# 20x17 ## VxH RATIO #OK
# 21x18 ## VxH RATIO #OK
# 22x19 ## VxH RATIO #OK
# 23x20 ## VxH RATIO #OK
# 25x22 ## VxH RATIO #OK

When exe­cuted, the script looks for a expres­sion (in this case VxH) in itself ($0):

sed -n '/VxH/p' $0

Because the expres­sion will also be found in the line where the expres­sion is defined, you have to pre­vent this line from show­ing up.
We do so, by exclud­ing all lines which con­tain the string sed from the search result:

sed -n '/sed/!p'

Then we select the appro­pri­ate field with cut -d "#" -f 2 and choose one line with rl --count=1

 RATIO=`sed -n '/VxH/p' $0 |\
        sed -n '/sed/!p'  |\
        cut -d "#" -f 2 |\
        rl --count=1`

To quickly remove con­fig­u­ra­tions, for test­ing or any­thing, just destroy the pat­tern. (VxH RATIO becomes Vx#H RATIO)

$0 is the name of the script itself,
$! is its PID,
$# the num­ber of para­me­ters given with $1$9.