
Exclude files from a list


display file or file system status


color based on string

Because an MD5 hash is typ­i­cally expressed as a hexa­dec­i­mal num­ber, 32 dig­its long *, all you need to do is cut 6 char­ac­ters to get a color value. COLOR=`echo $SVG | md5sum | cut -c 1-6` To con­vert any string to a color value, just reduce it to the appro­pri­ate char­ac­ters (= a-f and 0–9),...



Random Number

Random Number

Use of bash’s built-in ran­dom and arith­metic capabilities. echo $((RANDOM%100+1))
List all available commands

List all available commands

List all available commands.




Get a random paragraph

Get a random paragraph


neural mag ad

neural mag ad





Head + Tail

Head + Tail


Supply with Arguments!

Supply with Arguments!


Randomize Apache

Randomize Apache

This hack uses a bashscript and apache's time dependent rewriting function to deliver a random image directly from a directory, no php, no nothing.

processing + bash

To use your pro­cess­ing sketches with­out the pro­cess­ing ide, e.g. to iclude them in an auto­mated work­flow, you can export your appli­ca­tion from pro­cess­ing. When “Export Appli­ca­tion” is selected from the “File” menu, a dia­log box opens and you can select which plat­forms you want to export to. You may also select if you want...