/** * (c) 2007 LAFKON / Christoph Haag * This script is licensed under the GNU General Public License * * This script was made for selfprinting and therefore * standardized for DIN Formats: * * A4: 595 x 841 * A3: 841 x 1190 */ import processing.candy.*; import processing.pdf.*; import processing.xml.*; SVG typo; SVG[] svgs; String clivar[] = loadStrings("i/clivar.ctrl"); int vertlines = int(clivar[0]); int horlines = int(clivar[1]); println(vertlines + "x" + horlines); size(841,1190); beginRecord(PDF, "o/plakatlac2008_A3.pdf"); typo = new SVG(this, loadStrings("i/bottomline.i")[0]); typo.drawMode(CORNER); translate(60,45); scale(0.90); pushMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(-30,height-180); scale(width/595.0); typo.draw(0,0); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(100.0/horlines,height-230); scale(width/(199.0*horlines)); for (int j=1; j <= vertlines; j++) { String liste = str(j); String lines[] = loadStrings("i/cols+rows/A3/" + vertlines + "x" + horlines + "/" + liste + ".list"); svgs = new SVG[lines.length]; for (int i=0; i < lines.length; i++) { svgs[i] = new SVG(this, lines[i]); svgs[i].drawMode(CENTER); } for (int i=1; i <= svgs.length; i++) { svgs[i-1].draw(0,0); translate(199,0); } translate(svgs.length*-199,-199); } popMatrix(); popMatrix(); endRecord(); exit();